Dr. Dimitri Livitz

Biotechnology Entrepreneur, Scientist and Engineer

Co-founder of NoRD Bio Inc and director of data science.

My expertise is in the intersection of statistical models and real world data. I have worked at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard studying cancer heterogeneity and treatment resistance, and defended my doctorate in Bayesian experimental design at Columbia University.

Publication Spotlight
(full list indexed on Google Scholar)

Growth dynamics in naturally progressing chronic lymphocytic leukaemia *
Nature volume 570, pages 474-479 (2019)

We analysed the indolent growth of CLL by reconstruction of the diseased cell population from DNA sequencing data. This analysis was made possible by our Bayesian clustering tool PhylogicNDT.

Comprehensive analysis of tumour initiation, spatial and temporal progression under multiple lines of treatment *
bioRxiv (2019)

This paper is a comprehesive presentation of PhylogicNDT. We have used it to reconstruct the trajectory of tumor growth in lung adenocarcinoma. While every feature is individually showcased in other, high profile peer-reviewed publictations, this remains the best reference.

* co-first author

You can connect with me on Linkedin.

I am a proud member of iCons alumni network at the UMass Amherst.
Thank you iCons faculty and alumni for making this program possible!